Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolations, through Christ our Lord. Amen.'s-first-disciples
Jesus’s Life
Jesus was born to his mother Mary in a stable in Bethlehem. He grew up in a small
town called Nazareth. His childhood was probably very similar to other children
of his time. He learned, He helped Joseph in the carpenter shop, and He obeyed
His parents.
Then, when Jesus was about 30, it was time for His mission to begin. Jesus began
traveling around Israel teaching people about God. He taught people right from
wrong, and told stories called parables to help them understand.
Jesus also did many miracles. He healed people who were blind, or deaf, or
paralyzed. He even raised people from the dead. Many people followed Jesus and
tried to learn from His teachings. These people were called disciples. Jesus chose
twelve of His disciples to be leaders. These were the Apostles, and they became
the first bishops of the Catholic Church. Peter was the head of the Apostles. He
was the first pope.
Since Jesus is God, He showed people what God is really like, and how much God
loves us. Since Jesus is human, He taught us the best way to live our lives. Jesus
also founded the Catholic Church so that His mission could continue after He
returned to Heaven.
Did Jesus Do It?
1) Raise a young girl from the dead? yes
2) Turn stones into bread? no
3) Feed 5,000 people with a few loves of bread and a couple of fish? yes
4) Heal a paralyzed man? yes
5) Heal a man who had two heads? no
6) Teach His followers to attack the Romans? no
7) Walk on water? yes
8) Build a golden statue of His mother? no
9) Change water into wine at a wedding? yes
10) Allow children to come be with Him? Yes
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